Spontaneous thoughts on meditation


* The inner path in two words which indeed are one; from consciousness to Consciousness

* True posture: an empty statue, a powerful void

* True meditation: free breathing, suspended mind

* The means for that: all and none

* How to meditate?

* Should one teach the child how to go to his mother?

* Meditation -and the whole of spiritual life- is a sustained effort to shift from words to realities and from realities to Reality

* The power to think represents the superiority of rational man over animal man; the power not to think represents the superiority of spiritual man over the rational one.

* The functioning of animals is through fight or flight; that of human beings through fight, flight ...or meditation.

* The bird of meditation takes wing when body is suspended to breath, breath to awareness and awareness to emptiness

* Every science has its own methods and instruments: one cannot study biology, the science of the infinitely small, with a telescope, neither can one study the astronomy, the science of the infinitely great, with a microscope.Likewise, true interiorization, the science of the infinitely inward, has its instrument of choice, meditation.

* Narcissism: attachment to oneself without understanding. Meditation: understanding of oneself without attachment.


* It is up to us to give a significance, a unity to the senses. Otherzwise, as such, the empire of senses has neither emperor nor sense.

* Paradoxical: 'There is nothing to practice' is a secret teaching reserved for initiates who practice intensively.

* Daily practice is the best way to ascertain the truth of Nietzsche's word, when he say that real courage is the courage one has to have to face oneself

* The work of the meditator is stopping the inner chitchatting, preventing mental imagery from developing, hushing sensations: in two words which indeed are one: not stopping stopping.

* Thinking of emptiness: deep meditation. Empty thinking: missed meditation

* The quietude of a genuine meditator is like that of a cow chewing the cud; the immobility of a worldly man is like that of a carnivore on the watch.

* Should one be a thief, better for him to steal King's treasure; Should one be a meditator, better for him to search for the Absolute.

* Science is a know-how. Art is a 'feeel-how'. Retreat is a 'knoz hoz not to do'. And meditation a 'know-how not to know'.

* Meditate as if you could be God falling asleep into God and dreaming the world

* The goal of meditation, if not in two words, at least in two sentences: there is a state beyond everything. We can become this state.

* The net of tensions grips the bird of breath. The net of thoughts imprisons the bird of soul


* Even if your action is like a cyclone, let your meditation be its eye: moving with it, and nevertheless immobile.

* Do not accept more work than you can do joyously

*There is a powerful feeling of fullness in doing well what we have to do: fullness beyond action, non-action and their respective results.

* From every tiniest part of the void, the sage feels a tear of joy and a tear of compassion gushing out

* Be your love as vast as the day -and as secret as the night.

* Spontaneity: silence in action


* The common man has a complacency without compassion; the sage a compassion without complacency.

* "I think that you think that I think that you..." and they call that love! Then, when will love without thinking occur?

* The ordinary man communicates with others by sending them 'gusts of emotions'; the sage imparts his wisdom by sending 'gusts of immobility'

* I have searched much, but I have come back to a simple psychology that I give you in a sentence: ego is the one who is always unhappy, the Self is ever happy.

* Desiring humiliation is wanting to be taken for what we are not; but the true humility lies in being what we are.

* By listening to its own talk, the ego thrives. By listening to its own silence, the ego dissolves.

* Attention is the most skilled among spinners: without breaking it, it can continuously let the thread of breath slip between its fingers


* Those who oppose joy and detachment have understood neither detachment, nor joy.

* The first freedom: to be able to smile about oneself. If one does not use it, he indeed loses many opportunities to smile.

* Attachment is as necessary to the small child that detachment is to the mature adult

* To penetrate the inner sea, the ship of consciousness has to pass through the straights of detachment

* The spiritual who glives in seclusion has the choice: either go back towards the world to give answers, or stay far away from it and continue to be a question.

* Separation: the common man says 'farewell' and cries; the sage says 'all 's fair 'n well' and smiles

* The joy of the Self is not far away when we abide in 'joy for joy's sake, joy as such.

* Ananda, the bliss of Yoga: our full right to full joy.

* Suffering is past for the one who has become past master in the art of joy

* From the ashes of joy still exhales a fragrance of joy.

* Trumpets can collapse remparts, faith displace mountains, but silence, indeed, dissolves the universes.

* Words fly, symbols stay; symbols fly, Emptiness abides

* Under the entangled bushes of the mind, the humble humus of consciousness

* That monk who practices ceaselessly has understood that consciousness was the shortest path to Consciousness

* The supreme non-violence: silence