
This part includes two texts published in number 99 and 100 of the Journal "Question De", a quaterly of spirituality which has got a firmly established reputation among the French readership. Since that time, the number 99 has been republished with the title "Marcher, méditer" ("Walking, meditating") in Espace libres, the pocket book series of Albin Michel.

The first chapter of this part deals with the stillness of the mind as seen both by Vedanta and by Christian mysticism, especially Hesychasm in the Orthodox tradition. Silence is presented as the ultimate background of comparative religion.

Chapters II and III discuss the role of the body in the spiritual quest and introduce some psychological clarifications.

Chapter IV shows how several differences, which are presented as insuperable by the theologians, can be at least reduced when one compares Christianity and Non- Dualism.

Chapter V shows why and how the concept of liberated being (jivan-mukta), although sensed by early Christian mystics, has never been fully developed in the Church. After a critical overview of the emerging of non-dualistic ideas and practices in the West today, the chapter is ended by a few reflections on dualism and non-dualism.